Sharing a little Art Journaling / Mixed Media Illustration

One of the things I’ve been noticing this year is I’ve been diving in the world of mixed media, willing to experiment more and being more technique driven than ever. One of the beautiful things I’ve come across with all of my interest is art journaling and mixed media illustration. It’s so new to me, not that I didn’t know about it, but I honestly thought I would never find the time or the ability or the resources… Being able to start is just amazing and so, so inspiring! That comes with a price -at least for me-. Insecurities come to light when you’re trying out something new, they surface as a reminder of how impossible achieving something is. But if I’ve learned something in this life, it’s that nothing is impossible, it may require some time and effort and patience. The key is doing what you love, sooner or later you will get there.

By no means am I saying that I dominate this thing -this beautiful thing called Art Journaling-, but I’m so happy to see some progress and I thought I’d share my latest girl with you. Maybe, just maybe sharing my thoughts and my art will inspire you as well!

Thanks so much for reading! Until next time.

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Crafty wife and mom / Illustrator &. Stamp Designer / Lover of all things paper / Watercolors enthusiast / Deco Foil addict. Find out more about my creative world at

6 thoughts on “Sharing a little Art Journaling / Mixed Media Illustration

  1. This is really good. I am just getting into mixed media so I know the feelings you speak of. I can't draw, but I'm trying. Your drawing/painting is so beautiful.


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